Welcome Guys,Today i had faced one interesting character and had conversation with that character.It forced me to write blog about the pain that middle class people feels everyday.As i also belongs to that class i am able to feel the pain that we possess and i am able to express it to all.
   If you try to classify peoples based on their economy in this world they will fall in three categories.One will be "RICH"-who can live their life quite easily.The other one will be "POOR"-who lacks sufficient money to live a normal life in a society.There is another category who falls in between them called as "MIDDLE CLASS".

You can think that only poor people is facing problems more than anyone.But the truth is MIDDLE CLASS peoples are facing more pains and problems.First thing that a middle class people has to do is SACRIFICE.They has to sacrifice everything which is above their line.Even if they likes them they has to sacrifice it...

   If they are going to purchase dress first word they will say to salesman is-Show the dress which are below certain amount.Even if they like one dress which is more costlier than their budget they will ignore it and they will buy dress within their budget.In this situation they had ignored their interest....
   We all talk about Anitha who had committed suicide because that she is not able to achieve her goal(DOCTOR) because of her poverty.But there are so many Anitha in this middle class category who had sacrificed their goal or interest for the purpose of family.
    They will have so many wishes and interests.Even in love they are the one who is suffering a lot.They will also love but they will not show their emotions and love to the one whom they are loving.They will destroy all their love inside their heart itself because of their commitments.
   Even if they wish to go for movie and they also had money they will not go because they will think that i can save this money for future use.Always they will be in calculative mind.
   So their interests are destroyed everyday.In my point of view if you are not able to fulfill your interest you are not living happily.But all middle class peoples are sacrificing their interest and they will say we are happy.....Is it true?Are they happy?It will be a million-dollar question.