Affection on various relations

Love and affection are words used more or less to show warm, positive feelings directed to individuals; but they may encompass attachments to pets, institutions, things, activities, and ideas. Where differentiation is made, love usually implies more intense feeling than affection, or love may be restricted to feeling.

Both Love and Affection varies accordingly for different persons as humans have different perceptions.Someone will show their affection in a positive manner but some will show in a negative manner

Always they are the first one to love us even before we were born in this world.They are both struggling to make their child healthy as well as a good person.Their affection remains same even after their death.They will show their affection both +ve and -ve manner.

POSITIVE: To encourage them

NEGATIVE: While they are distracted

They are the one who will show affection towards us even they do not know anything about our family details.Once they are bonded their relation remains until our death.They are the one who will help us in bad situation and they are the one who will listen our problem and give better solutions

But people won't die if their parents and friends die.But they will when their someone(soul partner-person who they are loving) refuses their affection or for their death.What it is...

Relation with parents and friends are overtaken by someone.This is not fair.If anybody say that i will die for her/him,then at the same time they have to be ready for dying for their parents and friends also.

In my point of view we have to show or express affection equally to all relationship.