But we can delete some of the past data in computer else in human brain we cannot delete our past memories
Because of our inability to erase past memories, we tend to revaluate events that happened in past
We can easily categorize past events as happy one and sad one
Analyzing the events happened in past is good
It allows us to possibly understand better. What happened? What should we have done better?
We can easily categorize past events as happy one and sad one
Analyzing the events happened in past is good
It allows us to possibly understand better. What happened? What should we have done better?
Regardless of what we think that we should have done, we can’t do it now. Similarly we can’t go back and find happiness there in our happy events
We can only gain knowledge and experience from those events
Reliving the past can be addictive and dangerous
Reliving the past can be addictive and dangerous
So analyze past events to understand the situation better, use those knowledge in future events
But try to stay in the present because you can only analyze past not undoing(CTRL+Z) it..